About Me

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During the day I'm a perfectly normal English Literature and Language teacher, but after 3.30pm I let my SF/F geek out. So far, that’s got me two published novels and a bunch of short stories, some of which won prizes from Dark Tales Magazine and the Writers Village, plus an Aeon Awards short-listing. Having shared my love of the English Language around China and France for the past decade, I finally came back in Bristol to finish my third novel, Dawn of Darkness, mentored by acclaimed SF/F novelist Liz Williams. Now that that's done, I'll be flitting backwards and forwards between Bristol and France because I have trouble sitting still.

I'm a proud member of the North Bristol Writers group, have a fat tabby cat called Bilbo and am addicted to tea.




Everybody likes favourites - here's a list of mine!


Book: The Lord of the Rings (and all other Middle-Earth-related literature)


Film: See above


Song: Dies Irae from Verdi's Requiem.


Colour: Pink


Word: Plop (changes regularly)


Place: Adelaide (because I haven't been to NZ yet)


Food: Chillies 


Drink: Tea


Animal: Elephants (and cats)


Memory: Every Saturday morning when I wake up and remember it's the weekend.